Best before: 31.10.2024 Important Note: Please be aware that this item is non-returnable. By purchasing a Zero Waste product, you acknowledge and take responsibility for your choices. These products are either expired, have damaged packaging, or past their best-before date, but they are still perfectly good to use. Join us in our commitment to reducing waste and making the most out of every item. Your...
Best before : 31.10.2024 Important Note: Please be aware that this item is non-returnable. By purchasing a Zero Waste product, you acknowledge and take responsibility for your choices. These products are either expired, have damaged packaging, or past their best-before date, but they are still perfectly good to use. Join us in our commitment to reducing waste and making the most out of every item. Your...
Important Note: Please be aware that this item is non-returnable. By purchasing a Zero Waste product, you acknowledge and take responsibility for your choices. These products are either expired, have damaged packaging, or past their best-before date, but they are still perfectly good to use. Join us in our commitment to reducing waste and making the most out of every item. Your purchase helps us minimize...
Remarque importante : Veuillez noter que cet article n'est pas remboursable. En achetant un produit Anti-Gaspi, vous reconnaissez et assumez la responsabilité de vos choix. Ces produits sont soit périmés, soit avec un emballage endommagé, soit avec leur date limite de consommation, mais ils sont toujours parfaitement utilisables. Rejoignez-nous dans notre engagement à réduire les déchets et à tirer le meilleur parti de chaque article. Votre achat nous...